Poems by CC

Welcome to the new home page for Poems By CC. I've attempted to write inspirational christian poems that are meaningful and insightful, which relate to the love of GOD and reflect what our appreciation to HIM should be.

As you read these poems I pray that you are as moved by HIS love as I am when I write them.

I am always adding new poems, so come back and visit again.


Update 03/26/23 - Update!
I have put together a second book of poetry. It's available now on Amazon, so please check it out and share it with anyone you think might be encouraged and blessed by it. Thank you for your support, God bless!


Update 08/13/21 - Exciting Announcement!
My new book of Christian Poetry has been released on Amazon!
I encourage you to please check it out and also to share with any friend or family you think might be blessed by it.
It's been a long time in the making. I hope that it will share the love and encouragement of the Lord with anyone who reads it.
Thank you to everyone who has shared words of support and encouragement over the years. God bless!


In an effort to make it easier to bring new inspirational poetry to this website, we have a new blog format. All of the previous poems that were on this website will be transfered to the blog, as well as many new poems added. The blog format will also allow you to share comments if you wish, about the poems.

The blog home page will always show the latest poems that have been posted,
in the order they are added to the blog.
You can also select from the following categories,
if you are looking for a specific genre of poem.

Trumpet Notes are poems pertaining to the Last Days and may be used for witnessing.

Booems are inspirational poems which tell a story. There's a message of hope in each one.

Blog Home


Trumpet Notes





If you would like to view the previous website, with many graphics and music that accompanies each poem, please click on the website archive link below. This version of the website will remain in place, for everyone to still enjoy the poems presented as they originally were on poemsbycc.com for many years.

Poems By CC - Archived Website

Poems By CC are Copyrighted through the Library Of Congress.

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