As The Tree Is Bent
It's been said, As a tree is bent... so then shall it grow.
The teaching that you give your child, determines where they'll go.
Teach your child to honor GOD, in all the many ways.
Also teach them how to give our worthy GOD HIS praise.
Scripture says that foolishness in a child is "bound."
"Your" corrections are required... if peace is to be found.
By withholding your instruction, a disservice you allow.
Your child will then be unprepared for problems here and now.
Teach them to say, "thank you" for a kindness that is due.
To let them feel "entitled" ... reflects poorly upon you.
It's up to "you" to teach them to follow GOD'S instruction.
If you fail to do this... you pave the way for their destruction.
Temptations fill the world around us, of every evil kind.
Be sure to teach them of our GOD, and salvation they will find.
Teach the Ten Commandments that were given for our good.
A child must have direction to live the way they should.
There is one commandment that is like unto another;
It tells us to show Honor to your Father and your Mother.
This commandment is for both the Daughter or the Son.
"Cursed" is the one who dishonors either one.
A child is taught by our example, and through the pace we set.
If you teach them while they're young... they won't soon forget.
Just keep in mind they're "watching" at everything "you" do.
Some day they will be grown and perhaps want to be like "you".
How will your child survive this life and know which way to go?
They will learn by your example... or they may never know.
How will your Son gain knowledge to find a Godly wife?
To know when he has found her, with whom to make a life?
When your daughter seeks to find, a Godly man of merit...
Will she know what is required, then will she know to share it?
All these things are up to "you" dear Mother and dear Dad.
Teach your child in GODLY ways to know the Good from Bad.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
C.C. �April 23, 2006
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